Garland Bear's Counseling
School Counseling Program:
The role of the elementary school counselor is to implement a program where the main focus is prevention. This means I will spend the majority of my time in the classroom teaching character education, part of my time working with small groups (according to need), and some of my time working with students one-on-one.
Classroom Guidance Lessons
I visit each classroom multiple times throughout the school year in our character education classroom. This gives me the chance to interact with every student during these lessons. At Garland we focus on 8 character traits we believe every student must learn to become responsible and caring members of society. These traits are optimism, kindness, humility, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, patience, and gratitude. Lessons on bully prevention are also taught in class and throughout the character trait lessons.
Small Group Counseling
A variety of small groups are offered to students (according to need) who may benefit from spending extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills. Groups can have anywhere from 3-6 members and usually meet once a week during prep time (this ensures they never miss core instruction time in class) for several weeks. If your student participates in group counseling I will contact you prior to obtain your permission. Some examples of small groups I offer are:
Emotion Regulation
Anger Management
Social Skills
Individual Counseling
Some students can benefit from one-on-one counseling regarding academic, social, or emotional challenges. One-on-one counseling is short-term (2 weeks or less) and is solution-focused counseling. If students need more one-on-one counseling I will reach out to you, to discuss other outside counseling options or you can refer to the community resources.
There are three ways a student can access services from the school counselor.
Self-referral is when the student fills out a referral form at the counselor's office for a follow up at a later time. Usually the same day.
Teachers and staff may refer a student to the counselor when there is a possible concern.
Parents/Guardians may also refer their students to the counselor for services. Please reach out via email or phone the school 435.515.5381 to make a referral.
Studies show that attendance is a crucial factor in determining academic success of students. Coming to school, on time, everyday is something we want all students to strive for. I want Garland to be a place kids are excited to come to so that learning can happen. One way I am working toward this is through my attendance group. This is a daily check-in where students can earn prizes, and have a positive experience with a caring adult first thing in the morning.
Character Ed Schedule:
Garland Food Pantry:
Please fill out and submit the Google form below to receive a food bag for your child(ren) or to request a food bag to be sent home with a Garland bear who's in need. All submissions will be kept confidential.
Thank you, Ms. Chelsea
Parent/Guardian Community Resources:
A non-profit agency who serves all individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. They employ over 100 professionals, including psychiatrists, medication providers, nurses, psychologists, clinical social workers, professional therapists and counselors, and case managers.
Bear River Mental Health Crisis Line- 435.734.9449
After school program that promotes a safe, positive, and inclusive environment for all.
Box Elder Support (Crisis) Line- 435.730.2793
Free service to help families find high quality childcare and state subsidy child care. They also assist anyone interested in getting licensed in Family Child Care.
Crisis Line & Mobile Outreach Team 1.801.587.3000
DCFS- Division of Child and Family Services 1.855.323.DCFS (3237)
Open Monday and Tuesday 3-6pm. To sign up please have proof of income and residency.
GRANDfamilies A free service that assists all Utah families that are caring for a relative's child. Services include case management, psychoeducational and support groups, therapy services, as well as monthly social events.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.TALK (8255)
Sexual Violence Crisis Line 1-888-421-1100
Utah Domestic Violence 1.800.897.LINK (5465)
Provides short-term assistance to youth (10-17) and their families at no cost. This prevention program is designed to prevent delinquent behaviors through positive youth and family development.