Student Handbook
Garland Elementary School
Mission Statement
The mission of Garland Elementary is to ensure that all students learn at grade level or higher.
School Bell Schedule
Breakfast will begin @ 8:00
8:25 1st bell rings and breakfast ends
8:30 Start of School
2:50 School Dismisses
Wednesday Late Start (school starts at 9:30 on Wednesday and ends at 2:50)
Kindergarten Schedule
a.m. Kindergarten
8:30 – 11:30
p.m. Kindergarten
11:45 – 2:50
Late Start Wednesday
All Day Kindergarten
9:30 – 11:40
a.m. Kindergarten
9:30 – 11:40
p.m. Kindergarten
12:40 – 2:50
Garland School office is open each school day from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Unless students are involved in a before or after school activity, students should not arrive before 8:00 a.m. and they are to go directly home when they are released in the afternoon at 2:50 p.m. There is no supervision provided after 3:00 or before 8:00.
Parents are requested to call the school by 9:00 a.m. on the day their child will be absent or late. There are two reasons for this, one is to keep track of attendance, and most importantly it is to protect your child. Please make sure the information card on your child is filled out and kept up to date. At 10:45 am each day our automated calling system will send a call to all students who are marked absent. See below for the district attendance policy.
We believe that an orderly, safe environment is essential for students to learn and achieve academically. To promote this type of environment, we will continue implementing our character education program. Students will be taught the following traits or attributes while here at school:
Humility Forgiveness
Kindness Compassion
Empathy Optimism
Patience Gratitude
Here at Garland, we have the following standards that we stand by:
B behavior- bears show respect to themselves, others, and school property
E excellence- bears always learn to the best of their ability
A attitude- bears use the 8-character traits to make our school a better place
R resilience- bears never give up! We learn from our mistakes and keep trying!
S safety - bears help keep the school safe for everyone.
This means:
· We speak kindly to others.
· We don’t swear or use degrading language.
· We keep our hands, feet, and objects to ourselves.
· We don’t destroy school property.
· We listen to ALL adults in the school and follow their instructions.
· We try our best with ALL our work.
· We ask questions when we don’t understand.
· We stay on task.
· We listen in class.
· We strive to learn, understand, and exhibit kindness, optimism, forgiveness, empathy, compassion, humility, gratitude, and patience.
· We believe in the word YET! “I can’t do that YET!”
· ALL experiences at school help us learn.
· We are always trying to be better.
· We NEVER bring weapons, of any kind, to school.
· We are a Bully Free Zone.
· We NEVER threaten others.
· We watch out for each other and report any unsafe activity to an adult.
Severe Referral
Severe referral: Inappropriate behavior is fighting, Bullying, vandalism, theft, defying authority, vulgar language, racial or sexual harassment, pornography, weapons possessions, leaving the school campus without permission etc. When a student engages in these behaviors, he/she automatically receives a discipline slip which moves them to the fourth tier. The principal will handle each referral on a case by case basis. Parents will be contacted and a conference will be held. Suspension will be utilized for severe behavior.
Policies and Procedures
Students involved in minor accidents (skinned knees, etc.) will be cared for by school personnel. If it is necessary for a child to be sent home because of an accident or illness, we will notify the parent to come and pick up the child. If parents cannot be reached, the person designated for emergencies will be notified. Please keep your child’s information updated with this information. In medical emergencies 911 may be called.
Our teachers work hard to prepare engaging learning experiences for students in the classroom. When students are absent, they miss valuable learning opportunities and experiences that cannot be replicated through worksheets or other means. We will work with parents to help students when they are not able to attend. Please help us ensure that all students learn at high levels by having your child in class on time every day.
Punctual, regular attendance is very important to school success. Individual, class, and school rewards will be given to those with good school attendance. Phone calls, letters, and meetings with the principal may be necessary if your student has excessive absences. An attendance call will go out to all absent students at 11:00 each morning.
We encourage healthy attendance of students and ask parents to keep sick students at home.
Absences can be excused by calling the school office, or by filling out the link on our school website.
We discourage the delivery of birthday or other special event gifts, flowers, balloons, etc. to students at school. These items are a distraction in the classroom and are difficult for students to manage and store. They also cause feelings of disappointment to students whose parents choose not to bring gifts to them at school. If these items are delivered to the school, they will be kept in the office and delivered to the student at the end of the day. All treats must be store-bought and cleared through the teacher before coming to school.
What Is Bullying? Bullying is aggressive behavior that:
Is usually repeated over time
Occurs when there is a power imbalance
Is intended to cause harm or distress and/or has a serious harmful or distressing effect on the target (that is, the victim)
It’s important to distinguish bullying from rough-and-tumble play and conflict between peers of equal status. These are a normal part of development, but bullying is not. Common childhood conflicts can be resolved with problem-solving strategies or mediation.
Examples of bullying (not all inclusive):
Physical- when someone has hurt another person’s body
Verbal- when someone uses words to hurt another person
Social- when someone tries to get their peers to turn against another person
Cyber- when someone uses the internet or text to hurt another person
Box Elder School District is committed to providing a quality education to students in a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment. Incidents of bullying and harassment can significantly disrupt a student’s right to a respectful school atmosphere. Any bullying-type behavior is unacceptable, and measures are in place to address such behavior when it is observed and/or reported.
If a student, parent, or teacher is aware of any situation involving bullying or similar behavior, weapons, or other unsafe behavior, he/she should report the incident(s) immediately. Reporting can be accomplished by communicating with the teacher followed by the principal. When a report of bullying or harassment is received, the incident will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with Box Elder School District Policy 5005.
Riding the bus is a privilege, and the rules that apply at school also apply on the bus. Violations of bus rules will result in loss of riding privileges. Students cannot ride another bus besides the one they are assigned to. Items that block the view of the driver, such as balloons, large posters, etc. will not be allowed on the bus. These items are problematic as students are regularly seated three per seat which doesn’t allow for additional spacing. See more Bus Conduct information in BESD Policy 2216.
Canvas is an online platform that we use to extend learning, and post information from daily lessons. Every child should know how to access CANVAS. At the beginning of the year, parent instructions to log in will be sent home. If you need help logging in, you can contact your child's teacher or call the school anytime.
Our dress code is designed to promote health, safety, and school discipline. We expect our students to be clean, safe, and modest. Since the parent is the primary educator of the student, we encourage parents to ensure that their student is in appropriate dress on a daily basis, including clothing that completely covers underwear and shoes that fit the child well. Students must wear shoes in the building for safety reasons.
Items that distract from the learning environment are not appropriate to have at school. Please keep: electronics, games, toys, cards, skateboards, shoes with wheels, money, etc. at home. Neither the school nor the district will accept responsibility for lost or damaged items. Educational detractors may be confiscated. If parents feel that a cell phone/watch phone is essential for their child, it needs to be kept in the child’s backpack during the school day and only used before or after school in accordance with Box Elder School District policy 5305.
Parents are responsible for all damaged and or missing media materials including library books. Fees for missing media materials may be refunded for the materials found and returned without damage before the end of the current school year. To inquire about any media material fines and fees pertaining to your student's account, contact your school librarian.
Our schools have breakfast available daily, provided to all students at no cost. Students can bring a cold lunch from home or participate in our school lunch program. The free/reduced lunch program is part of the National School Lunch Program, which is a federally funded assisted meal program to provide nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to students based on their family’s income level. To qualify for this program, please go to our school district website at APPLICATIONS MUST BE RENEWED ANNUALLY. Schools receive additional funding based on free/reduced lunch applications. If you may qualify, we encourage you to apply to ensure our school receives money to support educational programs that support students.
Please label your child’s clothing and other belongings. You may look for items in the lost and found area. Items not claimed will be donated to charity regularly.
In accordance with Utah state law, students are NOT allowed to keep medication in their backpacks without the appropriate form being filed in the office. If a student is taking any medication at school, a medication form signed by the parent must be on file in the office. Parents must bring all medicine to the office in the current prescription bottle labeled with the student’s name and our secretary will keep it locked up and dispense it to the student as prescribed. We are not allowed to dispense ANY medication unless a parent has brought it to the school and signed the appropriate forms. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, and other over the counter medications.
Non-Prescription Medication Form
You can access your student’s attendance and grades online! Go to: and enter your login information. This will be the same username and password that you use to register your child.
If you have forgotten your username, you can contact the principal or secretary to learn what it is.
Box Elder School District is proud to provide preschool programs at the following schools: Willard Elementary, Discovery Elementary, North Park Elementary, McKinley Elementary, and Fielding Elementary. If you are concerned about your child’s development and would like to set up a testing appointment to see if he or she qualifies for additional services or if you have questions about our program, please call Tina Herbert at 435-744-2468.
Children need breaks during the day to get fresh air and use their large muscles. It is expected that parents will appropriately dress their child for that day’s weather conditions with the understanding that the students will most likely have outdoor recess. The following factors will be considered when determining whether or not to have indoor recess.
Temperature- below 10 degrees
Precipitation- what form and how much
Air Quality
All students will be expected to go outside at recess unless they have a daily written note from their parent. For an extended period, a doctor’s note is required.
Every August you will need to register your child for the next year. This helps us update contact information and give you information that you need, and sign documents. To register, click the link:
If you have forgotten your username, you can contact the principal or secretary to learn what it is.
We recognize social media as a great way to get out information and share great things happening at our school. Schools have a website and/or social media sites for parents to follow and enjoy.
We ask that the following code of conduct be followed:
Please use an account that identifies you with your real name.
Please keep comments positive. If you have a concern with the school, a staff member, or a student, please contact the principal privately to resolve the issue.
Box Elder School District reserves the right to ban or block users who do not follow our code of conduct.
Students are not allowed to leave the school unless their parent or designee has come into the office and signed the student out. Only persons listed as a release contact will be allowed to check students out of school.
Appointments should be scheduled during non-school hours when possible. If it is necessary for a student to leave school, the student should return to the school for the remainder of the day.
Students must be checked in and out through the office.
Volunteers must be cleared ahead of time through the teacher or principal. No younger siblings will be allowed. Please check in at the office prior to visiting classrooms. For the safety of our students, adult visitors will be required to wear a visitor’s badge to identify themselves.
Box Elder School District’s Rules are: BE RESPECTFUL. BE RESPONSIBLE. BE SAFE. The goal of Box Elder School District’s school-wide management plan is to teach students appropriate behavior for school. We follow the STOIC framework, which includes the following:
Structure and Organize your School For Success
Teach Expectations and Rules
Observe and Monitor
Interact Positively
Correct Misbehavior Fluently
The intent of the following consequences is to redirect students towards appropriate behavior. It is the goal of Box Elder School District teachers and staff to teach appropriate behaviors with a growth mindset.
When efforts to redirect misbehaviors, reteach appropriate behaviors, practice and modeling do not result in changed behavior, a behavior response plan will be developed. This process will be focused on setting goals, encouraging appropriate behaviors and collecting data to make adjustments as necessary. Teachers, our counselor, and the principal will make recommendations to this plan. Parents will be contacted and encouraged to provide input.
Possible Consequences for Repeated Office Referrals and/or Those Involving Fighting, Destruction of Property, Safety of others, etc.:
Recess - Students will have structured recess (walking the track, staying by the teacher on duty).
Lunch School- The principal will assign Lunch School as appropriate. Lunch School is a time-out served by the student during their lunch time.
Work Duty- The principal assigns work duty to students for school property defacement and for other inappropriate actions as necessary.
Behavior Conference- The principal contacts parents for a behavior conference for students with chronic misbehaviors. The purpose of this conference is to design a behavior intervention plan. The teacher(s), principal, counselor, parents, and student will attend.
In School Suspension- The principal assigns half-day and full-day in-school suspensions as necessary to students for major behavior incidents or repeated minor inappropriate behaviors.
Out of School Suspension- The principal may suspend a student from attending school for up to three days for serious violations of school district or state policies including issues of violence and safety.
Fire evacuation
Teachers will establish with students the evacuation route for their class & practice it!
We will practice alternative routes in case the priority path is blocked.
If the door is blocked, windows will be used for evacuation.
Emergency packs will be taken out by each teacher. Packs are supplied with first aid supplies, class lists, student check-out forms, and snacks in case of long waits.
Classes will remain outside until you receive instructions from the principal.
Each teacher will have a current list of students that will be used to account for students.
Each teacher will report to the principal or designee and account for all students, by holding up a red paper if missing students, and green if all accounted for.
If students are not in their own classrooms during a drill (prep time, speech, resource, reading groups, etc.), the staff member in charge of those students will evacuate the students and take them to their class’s assigned area. The teacher will meet the students there.
Earthquake procedures
Students will practice getting under their desks in 2 seconds or less and covering their heads with their hands.
When the earthquake is over, classes remain in the classroom until further instructions are given.
When it is safe, the office will announce to evacuate the building.
We will gather at the designated area.
Teachers will bring their emergency packs with them.
Classes will remain outside until you receive instructions from the principal or designee.
Each teacher will have a current list of students that will be used to account for students.
Each teacher will report to the principal or designee and account for all students by holding up a red paper if missing students, and green if all accounted for.
Lockdown procedures
If a critical or dangerous situation occurs here at school, the following procedures will occur:
The secretary, principal or other school staff will announce to lock your doors now.
All faculty will follow the lockdown procedures immediately.
1st- lock your door.
2nd- get your students to a safe place (already predetermined & practiced).
The Principal or Secretary will call the authorities.
Students will be instructed to remain calm and quiet!
Emergency packs will be with the teacher.
Teachers will not open doors unless someone with a key opens it, regardless of what may be said over the intercom, or if the fire alarm is pulled.
Building evacuation off site (due to fire, bomb threat, gas leak etc.)
If it becomes necessary to evacuate the building, we will evacuate to a designated off-site location. A sign will be posted on our front door to inform parents where to come to pick up their student.
In the event of an evacuation, students will only be checked out to an individual who is listed on the emergency contact portion of the school registration form (lists for each student will be in the emergency pack). This person will need to present some identification, or the student will not be released.
Name badges, and student release
Staff members will wear identification badges at all times.
Visitors to the building will sign in at the office and use a Visitor sticker to signify to others that they have checked in.
If anyone sees an adult in the building without a badge or visitor sticker, they will be asked to check in at the office.
Students will never be released from classrooms unless a call comes from the office.
To see the entire Box Elder School District policy on bullying, please go to: and access policy 5270.
A room is available in the office for students who are ill. We must be able to contact the parent or guardian before we can allow a child to go home when they are sick. If it becomes necessary for a student to take any form of medication at school, a district form, signed by a parent, must be given to the secretary who is designated to administer medicine. Prescription medicine must be in the original vial along with the directions for administration. All medications must be furnished by the parent/guardian. All medications, prescription and non-prescription, will be checked in and locked in the office cabinet. If your student has a special condition, please notify the office at the beginning of the year.
Utah law states that no child shall be allowed to enter a Utah school without a complete immunization record, a statement signed by a doctor that the child cannot be given the immunization, or a statement of objection to immunization may be filed at the Bear River Health Department. A record of such must also be on file with the school. Immunizations may be obtained at the Health Department at a minimal cost.
School Breakfast and Lunch
We will continue providing a school breakfast and lunch program. Breakfast will be served from 8:00-8:25 a.m. each school day. Breakfast will not be served after 8:25 a.m. Breakfast is served every day free of charge to all students at Garland regardless of school lunch status.
Prices for lunch are as follows:
Regular $1.95 Reduced $0.40
Adult meals will cost:
Lunch $3.75 Breakfast $2.50
Application for free or reduced breakfast and lunch are available through the School District office. Applications must be approved each school year on line.
Text Books
All basic texts are loaned to students for use during the school year. Text books are to be kept clean and handled carefully. The students will be required to pay for lost or damaged books.
Library Services/Bookmobile
Free library services are available to all students. The students are responsible for all materials they borrow from the library. While in the library, students must follow school and library rules. Students who lose a book must pay full replacement costs as stated in District Policy #5230 A: 5 adopted 1986-87. Please help your child to return their books on time.
Garland Elementary Web Page
Our school web page can be found at address:
To check your student’s progress, follow these instructions:
Go to our school web page.
Click on Grade Book
Enter your student password and code (contact LaDawn in the office if you need to acquire a password.)
Call the school at 257-2600 if you have any questions.
School Closing Information
If schools are not to be open on a given morning, or if schools are to close early due to emergency, you will receive a voice message from our new calling system. The following radio station will also be contacted: KSL (Salt Lake City), 1160 AM, Phone# 1-801-575-1160 they will be asked to alert district patrons with announcements every 15 minutes.
BESD Civil Rights Disclosure (Spanish)
District Policies
Box Elder School District
Annual Notice to All Students, Parents and Guardians
Pursuant to Utah statute and policies of the Box Elder School District Board of Education, notice is hereby given of the following:
FEES: Fees are charged in the Box Elder School District. Please see the included Parental Notification letter for more details.
NONDISCRIMINATION: The Box Elder School District does not advocate, permit or practice discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, religion, age, sex or handicap.
PERSONALLY IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION: In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Box Elder School District has designated the following items as “directory” information: student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, most recent previous school attended and photograph. The district may disclose any of these items without further notice unless written notice is received prior to June 1 and which indicates the student’s name and the specific directory information to be withheld. Under FERPA you also have rights to access information regarding your student. Please contact the building principal if you desire more information about your rights under FERPA.
DRUGS, ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO: Your are hereby notified that use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful and that it is a violation of the policy of this school district for any student to distribute, dispense, possess, use or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, malt beverage or fortified wine or narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, anabolic steroid or any other controlled substance as defined in Schedules I through V of Section 202 of Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Sec. 812) and as further defined by regulation of 21 C.F.R. 1300.11 through 1300.15 before, during or after school hours, at school or in any other school district location as defined below.
“School District Location” means in any school building and on any school premises, in any school-owned vehicle or in any other school –approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or other school activities; off-school property at any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event or during any period of time when the student is under the supervision of school district personnel or otherwise engaged in school district activity.
Any student who violates the terms of the school district’s Drug and Alcohol Policy is subject to the discipline outlined in the school district’s policies including all disciplinary sanctions consistent with local, state and federal law, up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution and/or completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program.
You are further notified that compliance with this policy is mandatory.
STUDENT INJURIES: The Box Elder School District does not cover the medical costs for students injured during the course of school activities. Parents and guardians are encouraged to purchase student accident coverage available at the time of registration if family health and accident insurance is deemed inadequate to cover student injuries.
A. The following definitions shall apply under this policy:
1. “Suspension” means removal of a student from the student’s regular classroom assignment for a definite period of time.
2. “In-School Suspension” means temporary reassignment, for a specific period of time, to a designated suspensions classroom within the school.
3. “Short-Term Suspension” means exclusion of the student from the school, school grounds, and school activities and functions for a specific period of time, which is equal to or less than 10 school days.
4. “Long-Term Suspension” means exclusion of the student from the school, school grounds, and school activities and functions for a specific period of time which is greater than 10 school days.
5. “Expulsion” means termination of the student’s status as a student enrolled in the school. Expulsion may be for an indefinite or fixed period of time.
6. “Involuntary Transfer” means reassignment of a student from one school, campus, or academic program, to a different school, campus, or academic program within the District. Involuntary transfer may be for an indefinite period of time or for a fixed period of time.
7. “Disruptive Behavior” means conduct which unreasonably interferes with the educational process or instruction of students in the classroom or elsewhere, including foul, profane, vulgar or abusive language.
8. “Weapon” means “dangerous weapon,” which includes any weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury. It does not include a pocketknife with a blade or less than 2 ½ inches in length. “Weapon” includes any firearm, which means a pistol, revolver, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle or sawed-off rifle, or any device that could be used as a dangerous weapon from which is expelled a projectile by action of an explosive.
9. “Unlawful Conduct” means any conduct by a student which violates any local, state, or federal law or regulation, or violates any District or school policy, or violates the legal rights of another person, and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Sexual harassment; Sexual harassment includes engaging in sexual harassment or fabricating charges of sexual harassment with intent to defame the character of another;
b. Burglary; burglary means breaking, entering or remaining in a structure without authorization during the hours when the premises are closed to students;
c. Larceny; larceny means the unlawful taking and/or carrying away of property belonging to or in the lawful possession or custody of another;
d. Criminal mischief; criminal mischief means willful or malicious injury or damage in excess of $200.00 to public property or to real or personal property belonging to another;
e. Battery; battery means the unlawful and intentional touching or striking of another person against his or her will;
f. Assault; assault means placing another person in fear or apprehension of harmful or offensive touching;
g. Gang-related activity; gang related activity includes but is to limited to:
1) Wearing, possessing, using or distributing, displaying or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign or other things which evidence membership in a gang.
2) Use of a name associated with or attributable to a gang.
3) Designating “turf” or an area for gang activity or occupation.
h. Hazing; hazing is defined by the District’s policy prohibiting hazing, and includes any activity that subjects another student to extreme embarrassment or inappropriate behavior.
i. Improper activation of school alarms or safety systems.
A. Publication of Safe Schools Policy – A copy of this policy shall be given to each student in school upon enrollment in the school. Each student transferring to a school in the district who was not attending a school in the district just prior to the transfer shall receive a copy of this policy. When a copy of this policy is provided to a student, a copy shall also be provided to the student’s parent or guardian. A copy of this policy shall be posted in a prominent place in each school in the district. Any significant change in this policy shall be posted in each school in the district.
B. Conduct Warranting Discipline – A student may be disciplined for the conduct described below. The type of the discipline imposed will depend on the nature of the particular conduct.
1. Conduct which may warrant but does not require suspension or expulsion: A student may be disciplined for any of the following prohibited conduct when it occurs: (a) in a school building, or on or in proximity to school property, (b) in conjunction with any school sponsored activity, (c) in or on a school vehicle, (d) in the presence of or is directed at or against another student or a district employee, or (e) when it threatens harm or does harm to the school, school property, a person associated with the school; or property of a person associated with the school.
a. Any unlawful conduct, as that is defined above.
b. Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience or defiance of proper authority or disruptive behavior, including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language.
c. Willful destruction, defacing, or damaging of school property.
d. Behavior, or threatened behavior, which poses an immediate and significant threat to the welfare, safety or morals of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the school.
e. Disruptive behavior, as that is defined above.
f. Possession, control or use of an alcoholic beverage on or in proximity to school property;
g. Selling, giving, delivering, transferring, possessing, controlling, or distributing tobacco products on or in proximity to school property or at or in proximity to any school sponsored event.
h. Being under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance on or in proximity to school property or at or in proximity to any school sponsored event.
i. Engaging in, assisting, permitting, or otherwise being involved in hazing, as provided by the District’s policy prohibiting hazing.
j. Inappropriate use of a pager, cellular phone or other electronic devices. Pagers, cellular phones or other electronic devices shall not be used in class or in any other way that disrupts the educational environment. Teachers and administrators may confiscate pagers, cellular phones or other electronic devices that are used inappropriately.
2. Other District policies provide for specific procedures and penalties for conduct involving alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Those more specific procedures and penalties will be used when they apply.
3. Conduct Which Requires Suspension or Expulsion – A student shall be suspended or expelled from school for participation in any of the following prohibited conduct when it occur (a) in a school building or on school property, (b) in or on a school vehicle (c) in proximity to school property, (d) in proximity to and in conjunction with any school sponsored activity, or (e) in the presence of or is directed at or against another student or a district employee:
a. The sale, control, delivery, transfer or distribution of a drug or controlled substance, as defined in Utah Code §58-37-2, an imitation controlled substance, as defined in Utah Code §58-37b-2, or drug paraphernalia as defined in Utah Code §58-37a-3;
b. Commission of an act involving the use of force or the threatened use of force which if committed by an adult would be a felony or class A misdemeanor.
4. Conduct Which Required 1-year Expulsion – A student shall be expelled from school for not less than one year, subject to the 45-day review process for mandatory year expulsions set forth below, if the student commits one of the following violations:
a. Possession, control or actual or threatened use of a real weapon, explosive, or flammable device or material.
b. The actual or threatened use of a look-alike or pretend weapon with intent to intimidate another person or to disrupt normal school activities.
5. Discipline Rules for Students with Disabilities – Federal and state law impose particular requirements regarding discipline of students identified as having a disability. Discipline of such students must comport with the requirements set forth in Policy 5006 – Safe Schools – Discipline of Students with Disabilities.
C. Remedial Measures and Disciplinary Sanctions – Following a determination that a student has committed a violation, the student may be subject to one of the following remedial measures or disciplinary sanctions, as is determined to be appropriate for the violation or as is required by the terms of this policy or other District policies.
1. Remedial Measures
a. Continued school attendance subject to the terms of a remedial discipline plan prepared to correct the violation. This remedial measure is available only when the violation is for willful disobedience; defiance of authority, or disruptive behavior when such conduct is not of such a violent or extreme nature that immediate removal from school is required.
b. Continued school and class attendance accompanied by the student’s parent or guardian for a designated period of time. This remedial measure is available only with the consent of the student’s teacher or teachers and the agreement of the student’s parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must agree to attend all of the student’s classes for each day of the suspension. If the parent or guardian fails to attend class with the student, the student shall then be subject to suspension or other discipline in accordance wit this policy.
c. In-school suspension. Attendance in a designated in-school suspension program. Students shall be instructed in the essential elements of the courses in which they are enrolled at the time of removal.
d. Home-based instruction. Instruction at home, provided that combined days of suspension and assignment to home-based instruction shall not exceed six school days in a semester.
e. Voluntary transfer. Voluntary transfer to another school, campus, community-based alternative school or other special program within the District, subject to the admission criteria of such alternative programs.
2. Disciplinary Sanctions
a. Detention. (Detention after school is only available for students in grades K through 6, pursuant to the District’s detention policy.)
b. Suspension.
c. Involuntary transfer. Involuntary transfer to another school, campus, community-based alternative school or other special program within the District.
d. Expulsion.
D. Authority to Impose Discipline
1. The Board of Education hereby delegates to each school principal within the District the authority to suspend a student in the principal’s school for up to 10 school days, in accordance with this policy.
2. The Board of Education hereby delegates to the superintendent the authority to suspend a student for up to 1 school year.
3. The Board of Education has the authority to expel a student for a fixed or indefinite period.
E. Procedure for Imposing Discipline – Remedial measures or disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on a student only after it has been determined, following appropriate due process, that the student has committed a violation. The nature of the due process required depends in part on the magnitude of the penalty to be imposed.
1. Short Term Suspension
a. Informal due process hearing. A school principal may suspend a student for up to 10 school days for a violation. Prior to imposing such a suspension, the school principal shall meet with the student, if possible, to discuss the incident(s) and to provide the student an opportunity to respond. The principal shall then determine whether a violation has occurred and whether suspension or other discipline is appropriate. In appropriate cases, the principal shall consider and offer the student alternatives to suspension, including in-school suspension and parental attendance with the student (where appropriate consent from teachers is obtained).
b. Short-term suspension pending the due process hearing. If the school principal makes an initial determination that the violation warrants long-term suspension or expulsion, the school principal may recommend those sanctions and may impose a short-term suspension pending a hearing on whether those sanctions should be imposed.
c. Departure from school grounds. A suspended student shall immediately leave the school building and grounds following a determination by the school of the best way to transfer custody of the student to the parent or guardian or other person authorized by the parent or applicable law to accept custody of the student.
d. Notice of short-term suspension. If a short-term suspension is imposed, the principal or assistant principal shall immediately provide notice to the student’s parent or guardian. Notice shall, if possible, be given by telephone. If reasonable efforts to contact the parent or guardian by telephone are unsuccessful, then written notice shall be sent to the parent or guardian. The notice, whether verbal or written, shall include the following:
1) That the student has been suspended.
2) The grounds for the suspension.
3) The period of time for which the student is suspended.
4) The date, time and place for the parent or guardian and student to meet with the principal or assistant principal to review the suspension. This meeting shall be scheduled to occur as soon as is practicable, but in all cases prior to the end of the tenth day of the suspension.
e. Notice of recommended expulsion or long-term suspension. If the principal or assistant principal has recommended that the superintendent expel the student or suspend the student for a period longer than ten days, the fact shall be included in the notice to the parent or guardian.
f. Meeting to review suspension. At this meeting, the principal or assistant principal shall review with the parent or guardian and student the charges and evidence against the student, and shall provide the student with an opportunity to respond. During this meeting, the principal or assistant principal may determine whether the suspension previously imposed should be maintained, whether an alternative remedial measure, or whether the suspension should be terminated. The principal or assistant principal should also discuss with the parents a plan to avoid recurrence of the problem.
2. Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion
a. Due process hearing. If the principal or assistant principal recommends long-term suspension or expulsion, he or she shall notify the superintendent of that recommendation. The superintendent shall then schedule a hearing to be held with the student’s parent or guardian, the student, and the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee. The hearing shall be scheduled to take place prior to the tenth day of the student’s suspension where possible.
b. Notice of hearing. The superintendent shall provide written notice of the date, time and place of the hearing to the student and his or her parent or guardian. The notice shall include a statement of the charges against the student, that a recommendation has been made for suspension for more than 10 days or for expulsion and the period of time for which suspension or expulsion has been recommended.
c. Conduct of hearing. The superintendent or the superintendent’s designee shall preside at and conduct the hearing at the appointed time and place. The district and the student may each be represented by a person of their choice. Each side may present testimony of witnesses or other evidence, may cross-examine witnesses and may make legal arguments relevant to the issues.
d. Decision. At the conclusion of the hearing, the superintendent or designee shall make a final determination of the matter, and shall state his or her determination to those attending the hearing. The determination shall then be placed in writing and mailed to the student and his or her parent or guardian. Upon a finding that the student has engaged in conduct warranting discipline, the superintendent may determine what discipline or remedial measures are appropriate for the conduct. If the superintendent determines that the appropriate sanction is expulsion, then that sanction must be authorized by the Board of Education as set out below. Apart from expulsion, the superintendent may impose any of the available remedial measures or sanctions as are found to be appropriate. In determining the appropriate sanction, the superintendent shall consider whether alternatives to suspension are appropriate or available.
e. Appeal. A student may appeal the determination of the superintendent to the Board of Education by filing a written notice of appeal with the superintendent within ten days of the date the decision of the superintendent is mailed to the student. No further hearing will be held. The Board will review the evidence submitted to the superintendent and the written determination of the superintendent. The Board may affirm the superintendent’s decision or modify the superintendent’s decision. The Board’s written decision will be issued within thirty days of receipt of the student’s written notice of appeal.
f. Board evaluation of expulsion recommendation. If the superintendent recommends expulsion for an indefinite or definite period of time, then the superintendent will transmit that recommendation to the Board of Education along with the record of evidence submitted to the superintendent. The Board may review the recommendation based on this record or may at its sole discretion accept further evidence. Following its review, the Board may accept, modify, or reject the recommendation, or impose other disciplinary sanction. This decision is final.
g. 45-day review of mandatory one-year expulsion. Where a student has been expelled for one year because of a violation involving a weapon, explosive, or flammable material, a hearing shall be held within 45 days of the imposition of the expulsion. This hearing shall be held before the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee, and shall be attended by the student and parent or guardian of the student. At this hearing, the superintendent shall determine.
1) What conditions must be met by the student and the student’s parent or guardian for the student to return to school.
2) Whether the student should be placed on probation in a regular or alternative school setting, and if so what conditions must be met by the student to assure the safety of students and staff at the school the student is placed in.
3) If it would be in the best interest of both the school district and the student to modify the expulsion term to less than a year, giving highest priority to providing a safe school environment for all students.
h. If the superintendent or his or her designee determines that the student should return to school prior to the expiration of the one-year expulsion term conditioned on compliance with the conditions established by the superintendent, then the superintendent shall submit that recommendation to the Board of Education. If the Board of Education approves the return, the student may return to school pursuant to the conditions established.
F. Education of Students Subject to Discipline
1. The educational services that will be provided to students subject to discipline will depend upon the nature of the discipline.
a. Students subject to remedial measures. Students subject to remedial measures such as a remedial discipline plan, class attendance with a parent, or in-school suspension will continue to receive educational services from the district according to the remedial measure. A student transferred to another school or program within the district will receive educational services through that school or program.
b. Parental responsibility for education. When a student is expelled or is suspended for more than 10 days, it is the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian to undertake an alternative education plan which will ensure that the student’s education continues during the period of the suspension or expulsion. The parent or guardian shall work with designated school officials to determine how that responsibility might best be met through private education, alternative programs offered by the district, or other alternatives which will reasonably meet the student’s educational needs. Costs for educational services not provided by the district are the responsibility of the student’s parent or guardian.
c. Review of student progress. The district shall contact the parent or guardian of each suspended or expelled student under the age of 16 at least once per month to determine the student’s progress.
d. Record of disciplined students. The district shall maintain a record of all suspended or expelled students and a notation of the recorded suspension or expulsion shall be attached to the student’s transcript.
G. Readmission of Suspended or Expelled Students
1. Suspended students. A suspended student may not be readmitted to a public school until the student and the student’s parent or guardian have met with a designated school official to review the suspension and have agreed with the school official upon a plan to avoid recurrence of the violation resulting in suspension. At the discretion of the principal, the student may be readmitted if the student and the student’s parent or guardian has agreed to participate in such a meeting. However, a suspension may not extend beyond 10 days unless the student and the student’s parent or guardian have been given a reasonable opportunity to meet with a designated school official to respond to the allegations and proposed disciplinary action.
2. Expelled students. The superintendent or his or her designee shall review the expulsion sanction of each expelled student at least once per year and shall report the conclusions of such review to the Board of Education. The superintendent or his or her designee may make recommendations regarding whether such sanction should be modified or removed, and what conditions, if any, should be imposed on the student’s readmission. If the Board has expelled a student for a set period of time and has not otherwise specified, at the expiration of that expulsion term a student may enroll at his or her area school on the same terms as a new student.